2nd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 28t
h February 2010 *13st 6.5lbs* 2lb loss

3rd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 7th March 2010 *13st 3.5lbs* 3lb loss
4th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 14th March 2010 *13st 3lbs* 0.5lb loss...very disappointed
5th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 21st March 2010 *13st 3lb* Stayed the same...even more disappointed!!!
6th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 28th March 2010 *12st 13lb* 4lb loss...really really happy, under 13st for the 1st time in over 6 years :)
7th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 6th April 2010 *12st 9.5lb* 3.5lb loss...OMG I'm stoked!! So excited about this week! xx
8th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 11th April 2010 *12st 10lb* 0.5lb GAIN!!! Shit...is all I have to say about that. Just thinking that it's only 6 days since last weigh in :0/ dunno if that woulda made any difference going tomorrow?? Never mind, hope for better next week x
9th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 19th April 2010 *12st 9.5lb* 0.5lb loss - Wanted and expected more...but it is what it is I suppose :0/ hoping for a better loss next week x
10th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 25th April 2010 *12st 8lb* 1.5lb loss....Got my 2nd Silver 7 tonight and I'm feeling really positive :) x
11th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 2nd May 2010 *12st 8lb* STS - the man said I'd lost 1/2 a lb...but I think he cocked up lol! x
12th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 9th May 2010 *12st 5lb* 3lb loss, very very happy :) xxxxxx
13th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 16th May 2010 *12st 3.5lb* 1.5lb loss - Only 0.5lb to lose until I get my 10% how exciting!?!?!?! x
14th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 23rd May 2010 *12st 3.5lb* STS - Was hoping to get my 10% tonight but it wasn't meant to be...maybe next week eh? x
15th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 30th May 2010 *11st 13.5lb* 4lb off - got my 10% and my 3rd Silver 7 WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! xxx
16th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 7th June 2010 *11st 12.5lb* 1lb off - haven't been to the gym all week due to my "Bronco Bruising" so might explain why it's such a shit loss, hopefully do better next week.
17th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 14th June 2010 *11st 13lb* 0.5lb gain expected more so relatively happy.
18th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 21st June 2010 *11st 10.5lb* 2.5lb loss, happy :D xx
Right been really naughty recently and not updated this, but I'm back and will ensure I keep up with it from now on!!!
19th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 28th June 2010 *Missed WI this week, long story...Matt's fault!!*
20th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 5th July 2010 *11st 9lb* 1.5lb loss, expected a bit more as had a sneaky peek at Boots in Bluewater as I'd missed last weeks and they had me at 11st 7lb and I've been really good :/ oh well it happens I suppose!
21st Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 12th July 2010 *11st 13lb* 4lb GAIN!! Holy fuck :'( gonna be SO SO good this week and get that 4lb off!
22nd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 22nd July 2010 *11st 6.5lb* 6.5lb loss...WOOOOOHOOOOO!! 10 days since last WI as I've decided to change from a Mon WI to a Thurs WI but still very pleased with the outcome :D
23rd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 29th July 2010 *11st 6.5lb* STS :( Hopefully have a better week next week
24th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 5th August 2010 *11st 5lb* 1.5lb loss
25th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 12th August 2010 *11st 6lb* 1lb gain :'( need to sort myself out...big time! Becoming a bit of a habit.
26th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 19th August 2010 *11st 4lb* 2lb loss, still need to try harder!!!
27th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 27th August 2010 *11st 4lb* Stayed the same :/
28th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 3rd September 2010 Missed WI
29th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 9th September 2010 *11st 3lb* 1lb loss
30th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 16th September 2010 *11st 2lb* 1lb loss
31st Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 23rd September 2010 *11st* 2lb loss :) oooohhh so close!!!
32nd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 30th September 2010 *10st 12.5lb* 1.5lb loss...HOORAY!! Under 11 stone for the 1st time in years and years...and years!!!
33rd Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 7th October 2010 *10st 12.5lb* Stayed the same :/ hopefully have a better result next week xx
34th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 21st October 2010 (Was at work last week so missed WI) *10st 11lb* 1.5lb loss, pleased BUT that is 1.5lb in 2 weeks...pretty shit! Back to basics this week! x
35th Weigh in *Missed official WI as at work so these are Boots scales*: 28th October 2010 *10st 10lb* 1lb loss, not bad considering I've been throwing everything in sight down my neck!!
36th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 11th November 2010 *10st 9.5lb* 0.5lb loss
37th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 18th November 2010 *10st 9.5lb* Stayed the same
38th Weigh in at Weight Watchers: 25th November 2010 *10st 8.5lb* 1lb off
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